Monday, June 25, 2007

a daily log

Since I've only wasted about 30 minutes of my day, I think that today's entry should be a minute by minute account of what interns typically do.

Let's begin, shall we?

8:33 - arrive at work 3 minutes late.

8:40 - somehow, I killed 7 minutes. I'll attribute this to boot up time and settling in.

8:41 - check email, delete 7 of 8 emails, skim 8th which includes a list of tasks.

8:42-9 - read comics online, skim drudge, save other blogs for boredom in another 30 minutes.

9:38 - somehow, i've wasted another 38 minutes. Part of this was spent looking up plane flights to see my grandmother, the age to rent a car in texas and movie times for Oceans 13 tonight.

9:39 - entourage tells me that I have two pitches due very soon. I look at my ed cal calendar and realize that there are four due...this weekend. To-do list time. I enjoy spending (read: wasting) my time making to do lists. I feel productive without having to BE productive. Excellent.

9:43 - see, it works.

10:15 - I've printed one document and caught up on I feel like I should maybe get serious soon...soonish. I have a meeting at 11 that should waste a good 20 minutes.

10:50 - I am 10 minutes away from a meeting. It took my printer 15 minutes to print a pdf document that I now discover I did not need. figures.

10:51 - Other intern stops in to talk about how original our new name is. We snicker.

10:54 - Gchat time. Thank you google gmail whoever you are.

2:11 - thank you mindless client. you've wasted several hours of my day! let's talk about conference calls, shall we? These things are useless, especially internationally. We can't understand a thing they're saying though they speak english. Worthless mexican phones. Anyway, our client emails us at 1 to say "PLEASE WAIT TO CALL. PLEASE ALLOW 15 MINUTES." No problem. We call in 15 minutes and she says "I am not ready yet. You call back in 10." She originally meant a mexican 15 minutes. We call back in 15. No answer. It is now over an hour past our meeting time that we have EVERY WEEK and no client call.

Oh well. I'm not doing anything anyway!

2:26 - no sign of call from client. i have finished my pitch that is due today but because i'm not at all important, I have to wait for my boss who is overwhelmed right now, to get it back to me.

3:56 - obnoxious client called over an hour ago. i have 34 minutes to make a fax. i make a decision that it will be my last task of the day.

4:11 - I am done with my last task of the day.

4:19 - about ten minutes til I leave. I will fill this with useless time.

Off I go. Don't bother reading the entire thing if you didn't. The obnoxious client barred my way from witicisms while bored.

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